A page of notes that my nine year old student Toby took during our lesson. He welcomed me when I came to the door and had a little dry erase board above the table that read "Mr. Ross Harris, welcome to my home!" He's a very bright and excitable kid who loved me instantly.
Wow,this is beautiful! Although it does have a striking resemblance to my latest research paper...
what's not to love. Hey, is that bass guitar tab notation paper?
hey you, c'est moi, ariel. my sis came down to miami this past weekend, and i rode up to gainesville with her until this friday. i'm having a great time and really learning a lot about her. i forgot how similar we are in so many important ways. every like half hour i just wanna start crying these nostalgic tears of joy. i can't wait to hear from you again, so just call whenever. hope all is well, and keep having fun. talk to you soon. miss you and love you, ARiel
oh, arroz...
por las noches me acuerdo de todo lo que te hice pasar...y te pido perdon por todo eso...te quiero mucho.
well my friend, i look through your blog daily..as i do through all my other friend's web-activity. you are an inspiration...thank YOU!!!
this weekend was an eventful one, art and all;
we saw some boisterous shit that deserves a private place, i mean, exhibition is unecessary...you know shitty, shoddy stuff...very miami.
i'm a little drunk...maru got her green card today so a month in venezuela is coming right UP!
the children are as wonderful as ever and they make fun of me every time i say i have friends in beijing...like i'm showing off or something..(i AM!)
ariel looks good despite how sad he makes himself sound, i love how much he loves you and how much you love him...fucking adorable!
the film festival brought a little japanese gem my way; it's got a cheesy name: life can be so wonderful by Osamu Minorikawa...it was beautiful. you may be able to find it easily and i KNOW you will appreciate it, although you may hate it....who knows? not like you got time for this mundane movie watching thing anyway...
in any case, mon cheri, je suis hereuse de ton travail et de ton resolution!
keep on keeping on~! i love you always and for all you do!
kisses to silvita and a swift kick in the ass to saul.
i want MORE pictures!!!! i want more, more, more!!!
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