This one is much bigger, 60x40 cm. There is a common type of signage in China that features animals that you are about to eat blankly staring or frolicking on a huge plane of grass and forest. If a restaurant features dog there are dogs with their tongues wagging, if they have chicken hot pot as well as lamb, both animals are bonding on a pixelated green field. They are most popular at 串 (chuan, grilled meat on a stick) establishments, but are really ubiquitous. Everything is copy paste, artificial looking, deeply strange. The sign here says "grilled deer meat" and was taken loosely from a picture of a vendor during Spring Festival.
holy deer!
that's wonderful.
the text is transformer-like.
you're kewl.
oh, and about your housekeeper, you ARE an imperialist. who would have thought? ME, that's who. you yupster!!!
keep the paintings coming and going, they're looking real good. i'm only eating bird these days, so anything else seems too criminal...yes, i'm full of shit but that was the gut reaction to the deer thing.
yesterday, we went to see the (awful) fantastic four movie and the final battle takes place in beijing. at this point, carlos leans over and says, " ross better watch it!" and we giggled...me, i was thinking of you hiding under a car, taking shield from dr. doom and flying objects of one kind or another.
Dear Sweet Ross,
Your paintings are Super! Your courage amazes me. You, in China,amazes me. Ross,You are Amazing! Please post more pictures with YOU in Them.
Keep Painting,remember Van Gogh's dark period ???? Please come back with both your ears.(lol)
I love you,
You are a regular painting factory! Just crankin'em out! Something you learned in China? Maybe this will be your world famous China period and people will gather in awe to view your work and gasp at it's beauty!
I guess the Chinese are are kind of into food worship,not ashamed to immortalize the animal-then they kill it and put it on a stick!
In the USA, we try to Pretend the meat just comes in slabs and patties, no animal involvement!!
Keep on Mr. Ross-and please make a painting with some red!!!!
Whoa. Whatta painting. Yes, you are kicking art. I swear we are going over there at some point. Tickets are laughably expensive. Don't you know someone who can sell us knockoffs?
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