我双胞胎哥哥嫂子侄子过来北京旅行。 Chad and Cat are seeing China. We all got a bit sick from some airborne thing Chad dragged from an airplane, but we're hanging on. Green tea, alleyway neighborhoods, an old shoe shop, an over-sized palace, fiber bars, eyeless musicians, baby attention, photographs, art supplies, sleepy, grey skies, 20 cent beer, coffee, temples, strolling with a stroller, empty bottles of water, lotus blossoms, expensive malls, dancing in parks, a long absence...

that picture with all the chinos taking pictures of leif are great! i'll be there soon enough :)
ariel: "all the chinos" !wow, you're so un-p.c.!?!
everyone looks great; very happy to actually see ross in more than one picture! keep them coming.
of course it figures everyone would be enamored with leif...he's just a yummmy baby and a wonderful, blossoming entity!
cat's got some cool threads in every picture and how chad of chad to drag some bacteria from the plane! good thing everyone is past it and you're all feeling better. did leif get it too? hope not!
well harrises, you're DOing china! alright!
thanx for the pictures, post more, more, more...
ross, un besote and you're looking hot! stay beatiful and say hello to the silvia and saul.
I love all your faces..marie
....and the headline reads...
Mr. Leif Spreads Friendship Worldwide!
"Mr. Leif, the youngest and best-looking Good will ambassador from the USA visits China on a mission of peace and friendship!"
Mr. Leif achieves rock star status on another continent!Mr.Leif's arrival in China caused a fervor among those who spotted the golden lad being strolled through Bejing, as he was surrounded by well wishers wanting to be photographed with him!
Mr. Leif is becoming a icon to Chinese fashion by starting a new trend in bold striped pants!
As China responds to Mr. Leif's astounding presence and incredible smile...the world becomes a better place!
We all is the USA wish all the best for Mr. Leif in his quest to unite the world in Peace!
Just Be Nice! Just Play Fair!
HooRay for Mr.Leif!!!!
Front page of Granny T's Gazette
Hey troop!
Hope you are all well now , looks like you're enjoying the time!
Well, Miami has had record heat and it feels like the place is on FYAH!! Super Thunderstorms, with lightning that shakes the house most afternoons-incredible! I lost power one day for 4 hours, a transformer blew right in front of the house.
Ross,I am so glad you finally passed up the dead chicken on the blog ...it got rather depressing! I'm much happier seeing photos of the group!
Chad and Catalina and Mr. Leif seems like you have been gone so long!
Ross... well, it seems way longer...
miss you all...
Have fun!
wish I was there...
Oh and eat or drink some disgusting thing for me!
PS Mr. Leif greets Chinese is now my screen saver/wallpapaer!
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