
"Brother Sharp"

One of the more interesting recent internet celebrities in China is "Brother Sharp," a possibly mentally ill, homeless man from Ningbo. He's been praised as a Bohemian style icon, wearing clothes reclaimed from the trash, having unkempt hair and a certain style, attempted by others using gobs more money.

The whole affair is pretty telling; the haves try to copy the "look" of the have-nots. In China specifically, there is no real history of thrift stores or punk music or any kind of fashion rebellion in this way. Any attempt is usually a kind of elaborate, expensive, safe, imported costuming, so "Brother Sharp" actually doing it is exciting, albeit he's unaware of the situation. The inevitable backlash, a "Brother Sharp" make-over and intervention, is already in the works.

Some pictures:

The Chinese reads "Everytime I see him, I give him 10RMB, which he uses on cigarettes. He also has women's clothing, all of which come from the trash."

The Chinese reads: "The first time I saw him, he was collecting cigarette butts to smoke. I asked him, 'Are you hungry?' He said, 'Yes.' Then I asked, 'If I give you 10RMB, can you go buy food yourself?' (I wanted to see if he could provide for himself.) He said, "Alright, but I'm actually going to use this money to buy cigarettes."

The Chinese reads "Perhaps his road is long, or perhaps it's short, but his future is uncertain."

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