
(Olympic win)
Oil on canvas
60x50 cm

This is a recently completed painting based on a package of cabbage seeds found in a village outside of Beijing. The title comes from the brand name of the seeds themselves. Although hard to tell looking at a monitor, the painting is far more fleshy and thick than I usually paint, and the size is far larger than previous work. The girl is, self consciously and awkwardly, breaking past her boundary. Anyway, I'm quite happy with it. Thoughts?


Unknown said...

I love it Ross...
fresh, lively brushstrokes and a charmingly surreal image.

Ahem...And just who was it who FOUND that interesting cabbage seed packet? Hmmm?

It's kind of great, while you were in Beijing painting images inspired by seed packets, your brother was in Miami hunting through seed catalogs to find exotic consumables for his future garden.
(He already has a list of favorites he'd like to grow)

It's a trans-world psychic twin kind of thing!


yerma said...

so Ross! is this a painting of an illustration? Paintistration?? very vibrant!!
One question, When do you start your most brilliant "Essence of My Ma" a very small painting that looks very big, momentous= especially since yerma is now 50...so paint me bit---H!
Something is wrong with me..hardejarHar!

Unknown said...


I've gone back to look at this image a few times- I really like the way the red pops out a bit in the figure, and that green in the cabbage has a wonderful depth to it- like looking into water under a canopy of trees. Most of all I find that orangey carmel color intriguing. My eye keeps going to it- it makes that figure pop, yet it goes back as well...It all seems effortless too. (!)


ross said...

Mom - I like this new word paintistration! Actually, it's based on a strange photoshopped photo from a package of seeds, not an illustration. I will certainly paint you! I have some photos of you and Chad and I when we were all years younger that I'd like to paint from.

Dad - Thanks for your very painterly language! It sounds like the best kind of comments about painting, which usually come from other painters and linger on about the quality of paint, something that happened a lot when my Japanese painter friend came for a visit. PAINTPAINTPAINT.