Witchcraft. Inside I found a container of lamb fat that smelled just like Beijing.
Sizing up a discarded Haagen-Das freezer. Didn't take it.
Well made dirty martini on C&C's porch.
Picking mangoes with mom. We got nearly thirty.
Tri-rail headed downtown.
Leif's lego camera.
Clean fishies.
Fried fishies.
Strangely powdery cafe con leche at La Carreta.
Ariel's sandy shoulder.
Both at once?
Platanos maduros cooking in cast iron.
Redundancy in blue on Hollywood Beach
1856 with a filled, circular window
SOUTH FLORIDA is great, but summers are rainy. America itself is quiet, poor and recession-y. Miami is, as usual, love-hate. I miss Beijing, mostly for it's ease of getting around and food, but the weather here is tropical, sticky beautiful-ness. I've been reading, cooking, family-ing, playing with Leif, talking, perfecting martinis, fattening up, meeting friends and biking (when I get the chance).